
Leasing Opportunities

at Kalamunda Central

Are you looking for a new space? At Kalamunda Central we have some great opportunities available.

Permanent Leasing

E: leasing@regiongroup.au

Are you looking for a new space? At Kalamunda Central we have some great opportunities available.

Casual Mall Leasing

Kalamunda Central has a number of sites available for casual mall leasing. The benefits of advertising in our centre include:

•   Attracting and targeting your customers directly

•   Promoting and expanding your business

•   Testing the market’s response to your product/service

•   Brand awareness

•   Flexible and affordable pricing

For more information please contact Anyspaces on email: info@anyspaces.com or call 1300 88 0083.

Contact Us

Centre Management

08 9304 0213


Permanent Leasing


Casual Leasing

1300 88 00 83


Centre Trading Hours

Mon - Fri
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